My work is also dedicated to Canada and the mysterious Goddess of Aerospace...
her character and intelligence exceeds her beauty
performance characteristics beyond any dream
the energy, endurance and vitality of heart and soul
sensually aerodynamic - a curvaceous delight
A smile to light up the galaxy
The sparkle in the eyes, the soul of eternity
Freedom and everything in a moment of frozen time
Your embrace like the warmth of the sun
Your smoothness is like polished super-alloy,
Your voice is like music to my ears,
A cascade of endless intrigue and happiness,
Your enthusiasm super-charges the thrill of fantastic possibilities,
Your integrity projected from your heart and soul is incomparable,
You are loyal, passionate and affectionate,
You have family values and true values,
You know right from wrong and what justice is,
You value truth, knowledge, understanding and wisdom,
You love the simple genius of brilliant creative imagination,
The dream that keeps someone alive, the resolution to succeed...
Math, geometry and curves...there are no words to express it,
There is no equation or computer that can define you,
You cannot be read like a book, your mystery and wonder describes it all,
Transforming thought into reality, our wildest dreams and vision becomes true,
Freedom, the individual, tenacity and resolution is yours to cherish in everyone,
Creative imagination, direction and purpose is esteemed, dedicated and valued,
You are like a dream, a heavenly vision, dynamic, vibrant, influential,
You can be elusive, yet you are there in plane sight, the real deal, not a photograph
You have more character and personality than beauty
Your courage is exponential, like an army, valour, boldness, confidence and destiny.
Pure luck, providence and destiny is being with you,
intense happiness, as we experience time together, the embrace of souls
We discover the secrets of the heart and vision of something awesome everyday
The fusion of heart and soul, the intensity of flying through space,
I would give a sensual kiss to you or kiss the galactic blue sky, in a moment
or fly above the bright white luminous clouds of delight,
A city of clouds, silver lining with golden rays of heavenly glory,
Beams of light, en route by a vector of illuminating brilliance,
Encoded with the electro and bio-dynamic qualities of life,
Excitement, heart to heart, soul to soul, we race across the sky, time without end.
The sparkle in the eyes, is not even the beginning, when the idea of you existed
We could go back and forward in time, possibilities to explore
As we transcend space time, we could discover the secrets of the universe
Creating an alternate reality, our destiny, what it could be like...
We embrace in cosmic delight, right here and right now, no limitations
I have travelled for light years, and seen thousands of different worlds
Yet the quest remains, yearning deep in my heart and energy field
The quest for you, the goddess of aerospace...
You are so intensely lovable, the ecstasy is a superluminal adventure
Flying through the galaxy, the twinkle of stars unlike anything else
Heart and soul, a paper airplane, walking on air,
astral travel, holding hands, a warm embrace, the look and enthusiasm you share,
a brilliant new design, a revelation of character or technological genius,
creating an entire aero-industrial economic system, revitalized industry and bold enterprise,
The transformation of a nation, the everyday hope, confidence and trust
of the individual, the person that can make all the difference,
The one that can change everything and anything,
The magnitude of understanding, the dream within the dream,
Life in between life, and any conceivable lifetime,
Several hundred million parts suspended
in a holographic space time continuum,
Multi-dimensional physics and so much more,
It is so fantastic, everything and anything for you.
Everything unified, beautiful and awesome
You are so lovable, I adore you.
Fly with me...and experience the greatest adventure of all time
The ultimate flying machine adventure...